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hire right the first time part one


Building a cohesive and successful team is one of the biggest challenges doctors face. Hire new team members that fit your practice culture and vision. Successful entrepreneurs find the right people by following an organized systematic approach for hiring. Many wrong hires occur because important steps are left out. Statistics show that it costs a business a minimum of one and a half times an employee’s annual salary to replace them. Hire right the first time!

Be “People” Smart.

  • Have applicants take a behavioral assessment survey to determine if they have the strengths and traits needed to be successful in the job. This is one of the most important steps when hiring a new employee. An employee can be trained on specific job skills, but it is very difficult to change someone’s natural strengths or personality if it is not the right match for the position.  
  • After extensive research, Professional DynaMetric Programs (PDP), a worldwide leader in top-of-the-line behavioral assessment solutions for businesses, has defined the four basic behavior traits as: dominance (take charge), extroversion (people), pace (patience) and conformity (systems). Each trait has high and low behavioral intensities.
    • Each person has unique and individual personality traits. Each trait has its own natural way of behaving and communicating which will impact the success or failure of that person in a particular job.
    • We do on-site PDP Team Trainings! It will drastically change the understanding and the way your team member perceives themselves and fellow coworkers. 
  • Work style approaches. 
    • Many times, doctors do not understand why their employees wait to be told what to do. This can easily be explained by understanding the three work style approaches. It is wise to hire a person with a Thrust or Ste-Nacity work style for any leadership position in the office.
To learn more about how knowing your team member’s behavioral traits and work style approaches could help you create a more successful work environment and overall practice or click here to message us to have a conversation about it!
Stay tuned for next months blog, Hire Right the First Time: Part 2.