First do a telephone interview to save time. A good match can quickly be determined before spending time on an in-office interview.
Applicants can look good on paper, but they can have poor grammar, manners, interpersonal and verbal skills.
Review job requirements and the applicants’ skills and experiences.
Discuss salary range, benefit requirements, geographic location and available work hours to see if they are compatible.
Initial In-Office Interview
The office manager may conduct the initial interview.
Have the applicant complete the following forms: An employment application, a release to do a criminal background check and a release to check references.
Show the applicant a written job description and discuss the duties.
Prepare a list of interviewing questions that explore the following traits: initiative, organization, meticulous, effective communication, teamwork, previous training and experience that will apply to the job.
Ask open-ended questions. Do not ask questions that can be answered with yes or no. If the interviewee begins answering yes or no, ask him or her to explain or expound on the answer. The interviewer should talk less than 25 percent of the time. The purpose of the interview is let the applicant tell about their personal abilities and experiences.
If the applicant is promising, have them take a tour of the office, meet staff members and have a brief conversation with the doctor.
If the team feels the applicant is motivated and shows promise, continue with the next steps.
Hire Based on Behavioral Strengths and Traits
Have applicants take a behavioral assessment survey to determine if they have the strengths and traits needed to be successful in the job. This is one of the most important steps when hiring a new employee. An employee can be trained on specific job skills, but it is very difficult to change someone’s natural strengths or personality if it is not the right match for the position.
If the applicant’s trait survey shows they have the right strengths for the job, proceed to the next steps.
Always Check References
This is essential! Confirm previous employment and ask overall satisfaction.
Always have a signed permission to call references. Never call an applicant’s current employer unless they have given permission. Not only could it cost an applicant their job, it is also illegal.
Perform a Criminal Background Check
If the applicant’s references are positive, then complete a national criminal background check. Embezzlers move around from office to office.
To learn more about how to hire right and the steps you should take before interviewing a potential candidate, click here to message us so we can have a conversation about it!
Stay tuned for next months blog, Hire Right the First Time: Part 4.